Monday 4 February 2013

Week 1

This week we have been very busy at school. In the mornings we have Explore Time. We must do our letter of the day cutting activity but then there are maths and literacy activities for us to choose. This week we have had the playdough out. Tamara, Sam, Emilie and Miss Smith wrote their names with the playdough.


Nate is doing a counting activity. 

On Friday we have a special explore time where we get to do things with Room C too. Some children helped Miss Smith to plant things in the Junior garden. We planted lettuces, cucumbers, beans and radishes. 

One thing that everyone enjoys doing is playing in the Discovery Room. At the moment it is set up as a home corner. There is a kitchen and baby dolls to play homes with. We can even pretend to iron the dolls clothes! 

On Friday we went to our first whole school assembly. Mr Richardson spoke to the children.

The children who were new to school this year got a special certificate to welcome them.

Here is some of the fantastic work we have been doing this week.  In maths we are doing statistics.  This means we are sorting things into groups. We drew pictures of a cat we have / would like to have. You can see what groups we made if you come into Room B!

We wrote stories about ourselves and published them to go on the wall.

Here is our class rules tree. We wrote our names on leaves to show we agree with these rules. Our rules  help to make school a happy place to be.

We are making special Mihi cloaks to share important information about us. Soon we will have a Primary School celebration where we will show other classes what we have made. 

On Friday afternoon, Mrs Renner came and did some printmaking with us. We used leaves and our hands to make flower pictures. 

Don't they look great!?!

 For our poetry response activity we traced around our hands.

Miss Smith traced around our foot. It tickled!!

 We have been very busy during our first week of school. I hope you are looking forward to seeing what we get up to next week.

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