Friday 27 September 2013

Mrs Phillips Congratulates....

Congratulations to Asheigh who got the "Mrs Phillips Award" for the Junior School this week. She has gained greater confidence in the water during our swimming lessons.

Room A's Special Chapel

Today Room A led Whole School Chapel. We were all a bit scared but we did really well. Theo, Joel and Emily did the introductions of the items. We all performed our Happy Sticks Song and we read some of our amazing writing. Mrs Phillips was very proud of us!

Special Books

The Year 7/8's came to share the special Farm Trip books we made during Book Week. We loved reading our books with them.

Wednesday 25 September 2013


Elgrego showed us his parrot

The parrot didn't talk but loved eating banana

Brandon was chosen as a Super Hero helper

Brandon got a frisbee as a prize for helping

Elgrego came to school. He showed us lots of tricks and taught us about how to be happy and safe at school.

Breakfast at School in our PJ's

Today we had breakfast at school in our PJ's. It was the Primary School Fun Day to celebrate all those children who do the right thing at school.

Monday 23 September 2013

Arts Night

Last Friday Night some very brave Room A and B children shared their poems up on the big stage, at Manning Intermediate. They did a great job!

Special Chapel

Room B led a special Chapel on Friday for Miss Brown. She is getting married in Fiji. Everyone in the Primary School made a paper flower for her. We put them together in a big bunch to give her something specal from all of us! Next term Miss Brown will change her name and she will become Mrs Nareki 

Week 8 Certificates

Congratulations to Amalie, Isaiah, Sean, Acacia and Luke who got ceritficates in Chapel last Friday for their hard work in Rooms A and B.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Spring Walk

This week we are writing poems about spring. Today we went on a walk around the school and found signs of spring.

The trees near our classrooms are beginning to grow new leaves.

We found lots of blossom.

These buds will grown new flowers soon.

We love Spring!

Swimming begins

This week we started swimming lessons at Starfish Swim School. It is very exciting and the children ask often if it is time to go swimming yet. 

 Some children are becoming confident with moving in the water and getting their head wet.

Some children are learning to float on their front and kick with a kickboard.

The other group are working in the big pool.

Thanks Pop!

On Friday afternoons Pop (a ACS grandparent) comes in and takes a group of children for woodwork. He creates amazing projects that come all ready to assemble. Last Friday Ashleigh and Amalie worked with pop to make a tractor and a boat.

Monday 16 September 2013

Book Week Events

Last week was really busy at school. As well as visiting Harold in the Life Education it was Book Week. There were lots of fun things happening around the school.
Harold dropped by the classrooms to encourage us to read read read!.
We wrote farm stories with the Year 7/8's on the computers.
There was the big Dress Up Day. The teachers were the Things from The Cat in the Hat.
We could make bookmarks in the library or buy new books from the display there.
The big children read lots of stories to us.
On Friday some Mum's read stories to us in the library. It was a really fun week!

Room A's Dress Up Book Characters

Room B's Dress Up Book Characters

The Teacher's were "Things" from the Cat in the Hat

Harold encouraged us to read lots!

Hezekiah's Mum read to us in the library

Monday 9 September 2013

Life Education

Today we went to see Harold in the Life Education caravan.
We had to line up in height order. 

The tall people sat at the back so we could all see. 

We love Harold! He taught us a new song. 

We learned about healthy food and how it is good for our body.