Wednesday 31 July 2013

Welcome to Luke!

Luke had his first school visit today and he had a great day! Welcome to ACS Luke.

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Time - Clever Clocks

We are learning about Time. Yesterday we made our own clock. Today we tried making o'clock times - it was tricky moving the hands!

Writing Explanations

Today we started learning about writing an explanation. This week we are writing about washing our hands.  In Room A, we watched Niko wash his hands, then we came back into the classroom to write our titles and materials needed. Tomorrow we will write the steps

Monday 29 July 2013

Milk - What do we already know?

This afternoon we used different materials to show what we know about milk. Some of us used playdough, some usedcrayons and paper and some of us used boxes. Photos and our ideas will be up in Room B soon!

Term 3 - Alphabet Treasure!

Today the Room A children tried out some new sensory activities. They had to draw the letter "e" in rice and find the "e's" in the beans.
Brandon also had a go at counting objects into the number tins.
Theo drawing in the coloured rice

Nadya finding the "e's" in the beans
Brandon using the counting tins

Thursday 25 July 2013

Holiday News

Hi Room A/B children,

We hope you are enjoying your holidays. We have been busy too.

Mrs Phillips has been to the Court Theatre to see Cats verses Dogs with her children and she thought it was very funny. She has read some books and enjoyed seeing friends, as well as sleeping in and staying in her pyjamas until nearly lunchtime some days!
Miss Smith spent some time on the farm with her sister. She had lots of fun walking the dogs and chasing the sheep. Then she went to Wellington for her other sister's engagement party. Unfortunately she was there for the earthquakes! 

We hope you have had lots of adventures at home and are enjoying writing them in the booklets we gave you. Remember if you bring them back next term (with your stories in them) you will get a dip in the treasure box!

Some of you will have changed classrooms so don't forget where to hang your bag!

Next term we are learning about milk - can you find pictures (or draw them) of two things that are made from milk? Bring them to show us next term.

Looking forward to seeing you really soon.

Love, Mrs Phillips and Miss Smith

Friday 12 July 2013

Goodbye to the Big Room A Children

Mrs Phillips is feeling very sad today as she says goodbye to the big Room A children. Twelve children are moving to Room B and Room C next term. Mrs Phillips, Theo and Brandon will start a new class of new entrants in Room A. Have great holiday everyone!  

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Where Do We All Come From?

Today in Room A, we talked about where our families come from or the culture we identify with as a family. We are very blessed with our different family heritage.

Mapping New Zealand

 Today we had a NZ map puzzle to put together. We had to put the island in the right order and label them. Then we had to label the main centres - Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. It was tricky for some of us.

North South East West

We have been learning how to use and read a compass. It was tricky standing still, then moving slowly to find North.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Congratulations to Alana!

Congratulations to Alana who last Friday got one of the special Mrs Phillips Congratulates Junior School Awards. Alana has worked really hard to follow her morning routine independently. Well done Alana!

Thursday 4 July 2013

Mrs Frame's Rwanda Talk

Today Mrs Frame shared with us some special things about Rwanda - a country in Africa she has livedin. She showed us a flag, some pictures, a special bowl and a huge drum. We were all allowed to play the drum. The drum was big like a log and it had hairy goats skin on it. Rwanda means land of a thousand hills.
Thankyou Mrs Frame!

Special bowl
Rwandan flag
Izzy playing the drum
Alana playing the drum
Ollie's turn on the drum

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Ball Skills

This week Room A/B have been learning how to dribble a ball. We had to go around the cones and tried kicking it into the goal.

Working with the Year 10 Stories

Today we wrote about working with the Year 10's yesterday in Room A. Here are some of our stories we wrote today...

Oliver wrote:
Yesterday me and the big boy helped me make a book in the computer room. It was about soccer balls.

Eleasha wrote:
On Tuesday I went to the big kids class to make a book and there were three choices. I chose the drumming. It was really loud but not for me! Yuu is Japanese like the drummers.

Emilie wrote:
The big kid and I made a book together on the computer. The book was about World Vision Day. We made the book in Room I together. Then  printed it on the printer. There was 3 choices. I picked World Vision Day.

Amalie wrote:
I went to the big kids. They helped me make a book. It made me feel happy and it made me feel excited and it made me really happy.

Mrs Anthony printed out our special books in colour. Here we are reading them to a buddy.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Mobile Dental Clinic

This week lots of Room A and B children have been visiting the school dental nurses to have our teeth checked. Its exciting waiting for our turn to sit in the chair.

International Week - Writing Books with the Year 10's

Today Room A wrote books with the Year 10's on the computers. It was very exciting working with our big buddies! Mrs Anthony is going to colour print our books for us to take home.

Monday 1 July 2013

International Explore Time

This week at Explore Time we are making different things from our cultures. Today we made a Chinese dragon, coloured in the New Zealand flag and tried painting Tapa cloth.

Takumi Japanese Drummers

Today is the start of International Week at ACS. The Takumi Japanese Drummers came and performed for us. Their drums were really big and loud. Some of us had to cover our ears!