Thursday 28 February 2013

Listening Post

Today the Jellyfish reading group tried out the listening post. They loved hearing their favourite Greedy Cat stories.

Wednesday 27 February 2013


Today the Giraffes maths group made threading patterns. We are learning to count up to 20 and then back down from 20. We find counting backwards tricky!

Tuesday 26 February 2013

A New Brother for Nate!

Nate had some exciting nws today - his new baby brother was born yesterday and his name is Luke. We made Nate's family a congratulations poster.

Tricky Maths

We have been learing to counting forwards and backwards and to match symbols to number cards. We are getting better and better in Room A!

Primary Learning Celebration

Last Friday we shared our Mihi Capes at Primary Assembly. We were very brave standning up infront of all the other children. We went into smaller groups where we introduced ourselves in Maori and talked about our capes.

Congratulations - Week 4

On Friday we celebrated with Sam, Tamara and Tupou - they are fabulous Room A learners!

Our Mihi Capes

Today we finished our mihi capes. We are very proud of them. On Friday we will wear them to the Primary Celebration.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Relating to Others - Being Kind

Last Friday we practised our Relating to Others skills - we were very kind and shared our special chocolate cake with Room C at big Explore Time. It was really yummy and we all enjoyed it!

"C" is for Caterpillar

Last Friday we made some amazing caterpillar prints with Mrs Renner. They will be up in Room B soon for everyone to look at.

Thursday 14 February 2013


This week Eleasha, Emilie and Yuu got certificates at Junior Jam Time - we are very proud of your hard work in Room A/B this week. Well done!

Our Great Class Cake

This afternoon we baked a chocolate cake together. We learnt that lots of different things go into a cake but when they are mixed tgether they make something yummy. It's like the being in Room A/B, lots of different children are part of the class but if we work together we can all learn and have lots of fun together. Tomorrow we ae going to share our cake with Room C at Explore Time - Relating to Others by beng kind.

Tricky Maths

The Elephants maths group has been learning to add two numbers to ten quickly and to write the equation. Today we had to practise on a worksheet.

M is for mask, N is for newt and net

This week we have been learning about the letters M and N. We made sparkly masks and brightly coloured newts. The newts are tangled in the net in the Discovery Room.

Happy Valentines Day!

Today Miss Smith got a huge surprise - she got a red rose and has no idea who it is from. It was very exciting. Mrs Phillips was given a yummy "Happy Valentine" cookie from Isabella in Room E. What a fun day!

Friday 8 February 2013


This week at Junior Assembly, Nate, Oliver, Sam and Niko got certificates. They are doing a great job in Room A. We are very proud of them!

"P" is for Pikelets - yum!

This morning at Explore Time we made yummy pikelets to help us remember the letter "P". We shared them with Room C, Mrs Vickie, Mrs Ros, Mrs Lawn and Mr Richardson.

I is for Insect!

Yesterday we made insect necklaces to help us remember the letter "i". Don't we look great!