Friday 28 June 2013

Paper Mache Bowls

Today we started constructing our paper mache bowls. It was messy work but much easier with lots of parent help!

Congratulations... Week 8

This week we celebrated some great learning in Room A and B.

These children received certificates at Assembly today:

Mary and Noah

Brandon, Nate and Theo

Thursday 27 June 2013

Finding the Office

The office has changed location! The revamp of the office is about to start, so the office has moved to Room F. Today we went for a walk to find out where to find the office.
Where has the old office gone?

Outside the new Office door at Room F

Mrs Rhonda at the front desk

Mrs Vickie in her new space

Frog Life Cycle

This week we have been learning about the life cycle of a frog. We have read a big class book about it and in writing  have been describing the process. In Reading Time we have made a poster of the life cycle. We now know about eggs - tadpoles-tadpoles with legs - froglets - frogs.

Right and Left

This week we have been learning about left and right. We made a mat of our hands to help us. We also tied a piece of red string to our left hand. We practised marching saying "left, righr, left, right" and we enjoyed singing the Hokey Tokey song.

Alphabet Game

The Sharks and Crabs reading groups have been trying a new game - "I have...Who has..." We had to watch very carefully to make sure we matched our letters correctly.

Monday 24 June 2013

Map Creating

The Primary School are just beginning a unit on mapping. Today Room A and B showed what they knew by creating a map. They could choose whether they used playdough, pens and paper or box construction to make their creation.

After the creations were finished, we talked about our map and explained what the different parts meant. Come into Room A and B later in the week to see what we know. 

Rocket Art

The children in Room A and B have been constructing rockets over the past three weeks. They have learnt lots of different techniques for cutting and attaching paper without using glue or sellotape.

On Friday the children who were at school painted them. We were fortunate to have some children from Room J and K come and help.

Congratulations - Week 7

Congratulations to the following children who were awarded certificates at assembly on Friday...

Yuu, Oliver, Amalie, Holly and Isaiah.

We also welcomed Brandon who started school this week. 

Friday 21 June 2013


Today it is cold and a bit snowy. The school is open but lots of children are away. At Explore Time we drank hot milo to warm us up. It was delicious.