Friday 19 April 2013

Our Grateful Placemats

We are very proud of our beautiful "Creative Display Day" being grateful placemats. We are looking forward to showing our families and using them at home.

Here we are finishing our placemats and the final product!

Gingerbread Men

Today at Explore time Rasita and Amalie made gingerbread men for us. We all then decorated our gingerbread men to take home to help celebrate the start of the holidays.

Amalie making gingerbread men

Final Assembly Term 1

Today we had a very long final assembly. We heard and saw performances from the Training Band, Kapa Haka and the School Worship Band. Then we said a sad goodbye to Mrs Davies and Mrs Ros. 
Training Band

Kapa Haka

Worship Band

Mr Richardson praying for Mrs Ros

Tuesday 16 April 2013

School Cross Country

Just before lunch we ran in the school cross country. We had to wait for our turn and Mr Richardson explained what we had to do, then we got to run really fast!

Our Creative Talents

We all brought our creations to school today. Some of us made lego constructions or decorated a biscuit or cupcake or brought a piece of art.
Congratulations to Niko (decorated biscuit), Yuu (lego) Emilie and Ollie (art) who won Outstanding Certificates for their efforts.

Sand Saucer Creations

We had a great time using parts of God's amazing creation to be creative making our sand saucers. We were very proud of our efforts!

Monday 15 April 2013

Kite Day

Today we Kite Fun Day. We went to different classes and made a kite each. Then we went to the back field to fly them. It was heaps of fun. Some kites flew better than others. Fun Day rewards those children who play really well in the playground and those who work really hard in class. We liked working with the big kids.

Friday 12 April 2013

Autumn Poems

This week we have been learning about Autumn. We wrote Autumn cinquain poems nd we have published them on a leaf shape. Come and read them in the classroom - we did a great job!

Our Dogs!

This week our shared book was "My Dog". We enjoyed reading about what the dog did, then we made our own dogs. They are on display in the classroom.

Week 11 Congratulations!

We welcomed the new children to Room A this morning in Primary Chapel -  Noah, Holly, Faith, Emmanuel, Samuel B, Isaiah and Chantel.

Room A Leading Primary Assembly

This morning we led Primary Assembly. Some of us had leading reader parts, some of us shared our "being grateful work" and all of us did our "Singing in the Rain" dance. It was lots of fun and lots of our Mums and grandparents came to watch.

Thursday 11 April 2013

Kath Bee Performance

This afternoon we went to see Kath Bee perform in Room J. We liked singing the fun songs. Noah, Emmanuel and Eleasha were chosen to help with the actions up the front.

Autumn Walk

Yesterday we went for an Autumn Walk around our school. We found lots of signs of Autumn - different coloured leaves, seed pods, walnuts and bark. At the end of our walk we enjoyed throwing the leaves at each other!

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Isaac and Rebekah

This week our Bible story is about Isaac and Rebekah. We are learning that God provides what we need if we listen to Him.

Today we made 'Wedding Cakes' to celebrate Isaac and Rebekah's wedding.

They were delicious!!!!